>>10816549On the one hand, he's got plenty of issues here - the beast mode definitely needed more work, and while the robot mode's weird proportions are a bit more easily ignored than the beast mode one's, he really needed some wrist articulation if they were going to give him swords. On the other, his transformation is fun, his robot mode isn't too bad (huge chest aside), and he has some decent gimmicks - the very poseable wings, the detachable swords, the flip-out cannons that can be handheld blasters - but the beast mode was really a disappointment here, which is a huge ding against him for me.
Overlooking the proportion issue and lack of flexibility in the beast mode head and arms, he's still a decent enough toy, and I'm honestly just glad to finally have at least SOME version of the character; I just hope they don't repeat these flaws with Silverbolt (yes, I'm aware he is actually a different mold).
Oh, and I guess you can do pic related if you ever wanted a four-armed mutant freak in robot mode, which is kinda neat.