>>5392112That's a nice cop-out. Generations and by extension Combiner Wars are budget collector's lines. 8-year-old Timmy doesn't know who the fuck Liokaiser is, and Hasbro isn't doing anything to educate him. Why? Because he was an easy fan-favorite to produce with the existing molds, made for fans.
Generations is the Transformers equivalent of Marvel Legends or the Star Wars Black Series. They're kid-safe and kid-friendly, but made for and marketed to an older audience. When Hasbro fucks something up on those other two lines, it's okay to call out the flaws. When Hasbro fucks up a transformer, there's always that one smug white knight who jumps out and says, "B-b-but it's not meant for yooooouuuuuuuuu, lowly collectors! HUMPH" And they'd be right if the person they were talking down to was crapping on Rescue Bots or RID:Dead on Arrival.