>>9764066It’s plebs online having no color sense or discernment ability, mostly.
We don’t know what prepainted parts there will be, specifically, but the other 2 models in this line had 3 finished faces (with more in the DX versions) plus several blank faces (and the decals for the preprinted faces plus a bunch more expressions). They also had painted nipples and I think that was it. The usual for the Kotobukiya kits these are very similar to is 3 printed faces, decals, no spare face plates, and 0-3 other painted parts (like a detail stripe on a panty, or whatnot).
The prototype pics from twatter aren’t useful to judge by and show some parts, like the hands, in 2 different colors even though they will come in one color on the same sprue. There is 0 chance they will be produced in anything other than the exact same pigment, just like Rania and Sohpia. So far they have done everything possible not to punish non-modeler plebs. But it is a model kit and was never going to look like the promo pics without some work. The question is always simply how much work are we talking here? In Isis’ case, seems like not too much but we’ll see how much of that turquoise is separated out or needs painted on, how much of the design on the tomb mummy mech needs painted on, and how much toning her skin will want.