>>9810280I'd like to but I'm behind on so much already and neglect my army men as it is, plus I'm trying hard to limit new additions to what they are in dire need of (i.e. more mobile artillery, more SAM-based air defenses).
For years I placed great emphasis on literal army-building - ended up with an unmanageable hoard of thousands that was competing for storage room with my other space-hungry hobbies (Mega Halo and CoD, Lego mocs). Made the difficult but necessary decision to downsize, ended up selling several thousand troops, with plenty of tanks, vehicles, artillery and other equipment online, maybe about a third of the total plastic armed forces overall. I've "recruited" new armies since that time, though now I'm content to raise a company or battalion's worth at a time, rather than the division-sized units you see in pic related heh (just some of the stuff I sold).