>>5694944Yeah, we were down for hours. I had to actually go outside!
Although I can't answer your question, I've got one of my own regarding 6-7 wide vehicles- which wheels work best for realistic-styled cars if you don't want to use those goddamned over-wheel fender pieces every single vehicle has?
The standard wide chunky ones (pardon the lack of technical language, only just got back into Lego recently after fifteen years) are too big to really look good on smaller sedan-sized builds unless you're using those fucking fenders (even though everyone uses them anyway) which don't always fit the thing you're making, the tiny ones are too tiny for a proper minifig-sized vehicle, the thinner ones are better but still kind of tall to look how I want, and the last ones look perfect size-wise but need the thicker axle (why, Lego? why?) and are harder to come by.