>MYTHIC LEGIONS: SOUL SPILLERThe pre-order for Mythic Legions: Soul Spiller will begin at 6pm EST on July 27th, and will run until September 12th, 2018.
At the 2018 Power-Con (Aug. 25th & 26th in Los Angeles, CA) Cowarros and Malynna the Malevolent on hand and up for sale to Power-Con attendees months before they ship from Store Horsemen!
The Fury Clan Orc and Lord Veteris figures will be available through Store Horsemen, but we plan to have a limited supply on hand at the fall ToyCon 2018 NJ show.
>Advent of Decay 2.0 DATES UPDATEProduction on Mythic Legions: Advent of Decay is nearly complete. After a slight delay Advent of Decay wave won't ship from China until August 10th. Figures will start shipping these things to you in early Fall 2018
>Mythic Legions Allstars 2.0All-Stars 2.0 pre order is over and will be shipping to us in late Summer 2018, but it's possible that it may be as late as Fall/Winter 2018.
>Four Horsemen has increased there activity on instagram, lots of new pictures being postedhttps://www.instagram.com/four_horsemen_studios/>BBTS has Colosseum IN STOCK and Advent of Decay and Allstars 2.0 up for preorder at an increased pricehttp://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Search?Brand=7413>Last thread>>7059325