>>9548088The main event - Monkfish Elite and Lobster Elite combine to become Deep One Elite, a fairly tall bipedal mecha around as big as Firmhand in his bipedal mode; though this is the form it's boxed in, Deep One Elite is actually mis-transformed to fit into the packaging (and I actually have the thighs twisted backwards here - oops!). Poseability in this form is much more impressive than in its two individual components, with fingers that can close jsut enough to grab things, waist and hip swivels, and fully poseable reverse-joint digitigrade legs with some ankle tilts. the waist/head can also tilt slightly up and down due to how the peg that connects the two units is designed. Deep One Elite is a bit back-heavy (due to having Lobster Elite's entire canopy hanging off of it), but it still stands just fine. What's fun about this form is that both Lobster's and Monkfish's manipulator arms can still be deployed in this form, giving it a total of eight arms! This is defintiely the better mode for this particular Mega Box, and the one most people will likely keep it configured into. I don't foresee myself getting any of the other Almightearms characters, but the combination gimmick is still pretty cool.