Hey /toy/, it's me, the best action figure customizer of all time! I know I am because I say I am! I don't buy my own customs on eBay, that's a libtard lie from Fwoosh after they banned me unjustly for saying that one guy's custom was shit. My stuff sells for a fortune and you're jealous. I'm a good Christian and I support Trump. I don't believe the lies about him and any "evidence" doesn't matter because Trump said so. Evidence doesn't mean anything even if it's true.
Some years ago someone made a shit Ken doll custom of Cobra Commander and gave it the white male face from the awful comics. Cobra Commander is a snake man, the comics promote white genocide with their lies by depicting whites as evil. I gave him a tip and he snubbed me by ignoring it and doing it differently which made the custom even worse. Then he dared insult me by not accepting my verbal abuse which makes him an asshole. He's always flipping out and having shitfits when things don't go right and that makes him a baby. Life isn't fair, libtards, how dare you complain about anything! Only us conservatives have a right to free speech and to express dislike with bad situations!
I think every post I see I dislike is by him, it has to be and I'm always right. My friends on
lulz.net don't like him either, that makes them based. They hate him because he hates free speech, calling artwork "pedophilia", and because he doesn't pump out content to share with people which makes him selfish. His fans are owed and he hates his fans by not giving us new fap material with a smile. So what if everyone wants him gone, him leaving is also bad. I'm not a furry. Too bad all his stuff is shit no one wants, he should pay artists to draw what everyone else wants and be a good boy who doesn't cause trouble. Kayla-Na likes Trump too and hates the guy I hate, she's very based. He has morals which means he hates fun & America.