>>7268466Someone on TFW2005 took it apart for exactly that reason and said it was easy. Looking at it myself there's exactly one screw on the back of the head holding it together.
>>7268416This is my second third party TF total (the other is Green Giant, which I also love but is a bit older) and this thing is wonderful. Heavy ratchets for every joint, fully jointed fingers, really solid posability for how big and bulky it is, surprisingly easy transformation, etc. Head has a huge range of motion on its hinge and balljoint joint, it has thigh twist which might be the only non-ratcheted joint that isn't the neck or fingers...
The only issue I can possibly find with it is the diecast weapons are unfinished and could have used paint, and the weird power cable thing on the rifle doesn't really offer anything to justify its existence.
Went ahead and grabbed some pictures. Here's it with War for Cybertron Soundwave (a Deluxe) to give an idea of scale.