>>6169680MP Beast Wars has opened up the pandora's box of proper 3P Beast Wars. Of course, we've seen some flirting with the era already, between Perfect Effect's Lio Convoy and Optimal Optimus, and MMC's Beast Machines repaints. However, I think we'll see more MP style BW stuff since I doubt Takara will make more after cheetor at this point; at least not anytime soon. Its been nearly two years since Primal was announced and news of anything after Cheetor has been suspiciously quiet.
I think one huge thing that opened up the Pandora's box for more BW stuff is Takara choosing to do the CGI look for their BW MPs, which allows for the beast detailing to be smooth with detailing done by paint. Previously Its been suspected the reason 3Ps avoid Beast Wars was because of the requirement of sculpting fur/scale/ etc. for large amounts of the toys; especially season 1/ transmetal 2 designs. BW flourished in the era before CAD reigned supreme; the toys here hand sculpted.Of course, 3Ps have vastly improved their sculpting on computers as well, turning to other alternatives like zbrush to give figures a more "organic" feel in places like face sculpts. But if you could just render the vast majority of those organic Beast mode parts as flat surfaces, even better.
Granted, I don't know how advanced 3Ps can paint their figures, since the printing pattern on MP Optimus Primal is pretty thorough.