>>10373241>yet they're making more money than ever.>graph literally shows the oppositeSure is delusional fanboy with no grip on reality.
Do you like how the star wars section in toy stores is smaller than it's ever been? It's smaller than when they relaunched the toy brand in the 90s and basically has as much space as those Snap Ships toyline.
No doubt, Hasbro is paying less than ever for the license, because they're definitely not selling as much as they used to and fewer royalties are going to Disney from complete drop in toy sales.
>they are not going to reverse course.Hence the sunk cost fallacy, because what they're producing is watched less than ever and selling less merch than ever. They could give fans what they want, instead of the literally rejected characters and narrative.
>Disney+ bombing is not a rejection of Star WarsHow do you think these shows even make money? If Star Wars is failing to draw in subscribers and are being watched less than ever, they're losing money from those shows.
>Star Wars peaked with EmpireAs a money making venture, it peaked with the prequels. Even Attack of the Clones and revenge of the sith had entire aisles of toys dedicated to them, plus the video games, the cartoons, video sales, tv rights licensing, and cross merchandising. Video streaming isn't nearly as profitable as broadcast rights were in the 00s and DVD/VHS sales were, since production companies got greedy and needed to create their own netflixes that isn't just expensive as fuck to start up, bit also the fact that they split the market up into tiny pieces.
Are there even STar Wars video games being produced anymore?