The spiky iguana neck thing might not be as big an issue as I previously thought since it's more of a semi circle whenever Godzilla's in a more neutral stance in the show. Might use a swivel hinge for the head to neck joint and then a ball joint for neck to torso. Took forever to get the hole big enough for the peg to go in.
>>8784111It's solid plastic, but surprisingly light. Takes a while to whittle away or drill carefully and makes a big mess. Not trusting myself with knives after I accidentally cut my thumb carving out the crotch area like a dumbass.
>>8784115The line's going to be around for a while since they're doing a bunch of waves iirc. 7" figs are the newest ones in it besides those repacks with the loader or APC.
>>8784179Was the Figma any good?