>>8454708The Quan Guan is in the middle in that pic, on the right here (the muzzle brake is the big giveaway). I definitely favor the German tanks but the Sherman was another of the rare reasonable sets so I diversified; my grandfather served in one so there's that nice little connection too. If an affordable Easy 8 comes up I wouldn't mind having a Fury either, heh. Sometime I'll have to get a token T-34 as well, I guess.
Quan Guan is definitely my go-to for Chinese WW2 stuff, even if their tanks are a little on the wide side their figs are top notch and their artillery sets wowed me, still waiting on the US one to arrive. I like Cobi's attention to proper proportions, just wish they were more available, especially the newer sets with the right muzzle brakes (it bugs me more than it should). While I grew up with Lego and still maintain a significant collection (and a few too many MOCs heh) my Mega collection overall and Halo in particular holds the dearest place in my heart, was over a decade now since I first took a chance on their Halo Wars line and I never regretted it.
Was quite fortunate in getting both those Scorpions, the first one I netted at a modest discount off Amazon and when I finally built it I fell in love. Just so happened to check Amazon again sometime later and there were a few more back up, at a slightly more modest discount than last time but I couldn't resist. The first tank I built with the standard turret and single track configuration, the second one I opted for the tri-barrel gatling with double tracks, was even able to put together the missile turret with parts from both tanks and a few from my stockpile. While I am satisfied with a pair, sadly they have now shot up to almost $200 CAD for anyone interested, a fate befalling Mega sets more and more frequently it seems. I certainly feel your pain Ausbro, last year I middlemanned some Mega stuff to a down-underer cuz Mega bros stick together eh.