>>6262869Well, since the massive fuckup with the Nobility Doll Muscle woman body, I think companies would rather someone else sculpt it and get input before making another monstrosity like that again.
>>6263587I don't even think they're the same sculpt. I know the right one is a Lati. The one on the left looks like a Pukifee bordering on Hujoo.
The only real things they have in common is they're tinies and they look like shit.
>>6263624Seriously. I looked up so many tutorials and read and researched before even attempting stuff like that. I think the third doll I bought was owned by a person like PSP and getting the prior faceup off was impossible due to them not using ANY sealant on the base doll. I really cannot see how people don't do proper research and skimp on important shit like putting a layer of sealant on the blank head before going ape with gross ass paint.