>>9471562The Panzer II Ausf. F/G by Tamiya
Now the kit has a lot of problems, for example there's open gaps underneath the fenders which look just awful but aren't visible from looking from above, the detail isn't great and a lot of the parts are simplified, compared to modern standards it's awful
It looks ok though and is easy to put together and best of all it's very cheap, basically any tamiya kit that you see which is cheap is a very old one btw
You should use your first kits to learn how to assemble a model well and then paint it
If you like tanks and planes I'd suggest you start with a tank first, planes are harder cause you need to paint the interior first before you glue the kit together, the two halves of the fuselage will likely need some degree of gap filling and the cockpit canopy will require you to paint very carefully
Also priming your model before painting helps, thin your paints so your paint job doesn't look lumpy, etc