>>11063360>China does have plenty of interesting high end indie toy companies and these indie toy products establish several of this Board's threadsBut most of it's actually poor quality.
They may look nice, but Joytoy and Ori Toy's Acid RAin line are made with fragile plastics that break too easily. A ton of third party Transformers and wannabe One:12 suffer from shit plastics too. Chinese brands are almsot always lower quality because they don't need to meet western standards.
Stuff like Planet Green Valley is one of the two Chinese toylines i know that has quality through and through, but is made in such small batches, they barely are mentioned on /toy/ even when a batch is being released. It's a product of passion, so the creator is basically the only employee and he isn't thinking about cutting corners.
>>11063422>employers are only willing to pay garbage wages for an employee who will need to be skilled enough to put together things like higher end action figuresdude... shit's less complicated than making burgers and taking orders at McDonalds.
It's why toy making relied on child and slave labor, because it's braindead simple. It's as assembly line process that's mind numblingly boring where you do one simple part out of a dozen processes. The only thing a company needs to do to get "high end" quality action figures is higher quality control, so that you have an extra 10 seconds to make sure the paint apps are straight and rejectable shit is actually rejected.
Being braindead simple is why the toy factories were brought to China in the first place.
Pic is from a Playmobil factory. So everything but the electronics are made and assembled in Europe....if any assemble is even reqiured