>>8730946Yes. It peaked in 2001 and went into a very bad direction.
>2001 Was the golden era.
Toa Nuva were a cheap copout riding on success. Reused assets and the start of dull colors. Still good but not awesome like Mata.
Metru was a complete 180. Bonkles werent interesting enough if in a futuristic city with 0 mistery. The models were top tier designs but the dull and monotone colors killed them (me and tons of kids stop buying).
Hordika a total mess. Inika were very good but hardly Bionicle, more like HeroFactory. Same with Mahri. Very good sets nonetheless, although Piraka were a bit thin and dull in coloration.
The Phantoka were good sets for children, but 101% Hero Factory fantasy, 0% BIONICLE. Also no reason to ruin the original Toa we all loved.
BIONICLE suffered from a reinvention of the story every year, instead of banking hard in the excellent establishment of lore of the first year.
Instead of many regular and compatible Toa, we got 1 wave of Toa and a dozen waves of transformed, unusual, mutated, mutated and transformed iterations. I would have prefered if we just got Toa in the same Mata style and different colors and addons.
Most titans are outright gappy and bad. Shit color mixes and no identity like 2001 had. Anything non Toa non Matoran sucks.