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Sorry for stinking up the tread, but I do have a question that extends to all hobbies, but in this case relates to MOTU.
I went out today to the single Big Lots in my county and left guardless, even though an anon in the thread found a few of the Eternia Guards at Big Lots, which i consider a lesser visited store vs Wal-Mart and Target. I then got another IP ban about a half hour ago because I used mobile data and it mixed me up with someone on /r9k/ shilling a Minecraft server. I live in a medium sized area, and i know 4chan isnt really an exclusive club, but it kinda just confirms there are others in my area.
So here is my question: do you guys ever feel like you're competeing against other /toy/ users when a nugget of info is dropped? I can distinctly remeber a few instances in the past of seeing someone drop an "X just dropped/found X in the wild", hopping on my bike to get to the shopping plaza, and seeing other goblins also cruising the aisle, looking for the item. And i dont mean a parent looking for a gift and stumbling upon it, I mean Goblins like me, where you can tell they browse 4chan.