>>7638900Well I got mine for super cheap (I think, literally $52.00). I don’t have a good pic but mine’s paint job is kind of a little fucked up but it doesn’t look to obvious cuz it’s just excessive red paint around his neck area which looks all bloody and gruesome so no big deal I guess. His arms and legs have bendy dealies inside them so you can pose him to an extent. Main issue is they really dont bend all that much. One arm is on a forward&back swivel only (the side with all the tentacles) and the other arm can more or less freely move cuz it’s just kind of like a plushie. I could only get his elbows to move so far, and his rocket launcher is made to fit one arm specifically. I personally love him but I’m also very biased because I’ve always loved Nemesis and having an actually sizeable AND huggable beast with mild poseability is a nice BONAS. Plus he scales great with my RE3 Jill.
Also really wish my pics would stop uploading sideways.