>>9963250Hordak: both Filmation and the post-Hiss minicomics are canon to me. His relationship with Adora is also clear and three-dimensional in my head.
Grizzlor: savage Eternian cryptid who was found by the Horde during the failed invasion of Eternia and learned enough of high-tech civilization to wear shoes and become Governor of Beast Island. Like if Tarzan was an ape instead of an English peer.
Leech: his power is terrifying on-duty, but he's a fun-loving extrovert. Possibly just a baby of the Fright Zone monster, which would explain certain childish behaviors like holding a stuffed animal in public while making puns.
Mosquitor: again, terrifying power, but becomes chill or even cowardly when sated.
Mantenna: tough one. The overwhelming majority of his personality comes from Filmation, but pure silliness can be hard to swallow outside of slice-of-life photo stories.