>>7629121>Why are you being so adamant about this? Why are you? Your retarded ass acts like it's impossible when my only point was that it's doable.
You made a ton of stupid claims just to pretend it's impossible.
>but they're barely half an inch>but you dont understand what a pixel is>but you need to learn a whole new set of skills to move a decal aroundYou're so retarded you don't think skills learned like blending, light sourcing, shading, and other simplistic shit can't transfer just because you're painting something smaller.
You didn't even know you can buy decals for all sorts of scales, which can be bought at many dedicated hobby shops and everywhere online. Shit, just doing a little googling, eye transfers already exist for 1:12 figures
>ib4 I was only trolling and being a contrarian on purposenah, you're just a fuckwit who thinks he's an expert because because he made an easy mode gundam kit