>>11022557>Companies should cater to me personally>they should never try anything new what an entitled bitch.
Nevermind you have the option for not buying the new version in the first place.
Nevermind there's been a hundred thousand versions of Storm Shadow made already and there's going to be at least ten thousand more produced before Hasbro finally kills the line, so you have plenty of time to actually get what you want.
>>11022194yeah, it's me, who owns a hundreds of millions of toys and prefer the bendy weapons over stiff shit, because they actually last longer and still look as good as the stiff ones. Plus, that bendiness allows for more realistic shouldering too. That extra give is as good as inner shoulder joints.
The only thing i really want most from accessories is them being in more than straight black or gray, because 95% of toy companies already exceed what i should expect from weapons (detail and being correctly scaled). And with 2+ tone weapons, Hasbro is improving.