>>8676123I got no beef with Anno. He was just a lonely Ultraman fanboy trying to channel his depression into an anime that kept running out of money. Shin Godzilla was amazing, it's his fans that can't fuck off and move on from Eva. Which is probably why Rebuild is so absurd, he doesn't give nearly as much of a shit as the otakus waiting to buy their next Unit 01.
>>8676661It's beyond that. The 90's did have great stuff worth remembering and celebrating but Eva and its fans are a different breed and the amount if backsass you get for criticizing their nonsensical angstfest that was more fleshed out in a PSP game than the above itself yet keeps releasing the same three dressings over and over for decades is honestly just insane.
There might be a million Gokus and RX-78s but at least they vary more than which hue of purple and green they're sporting and get backed up by good source material and dozens of other characters instead if the same two over and over.