>DECEMBERMetal Cooler [Web Exclusive]
Son Goku Kaioken 180000 Power level [Walmart/Target Exclusive]
Android 20 [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta (Reissue)
>FEBRUARYSuper Saiyan God Super Saiyan Vegeta [Web Exclusive]
Mastered Ultra Instinct Son Goku -Toyotarou Edition- [Web Exclusive]
>MARCHYamcha - Earth's Foremost Fighter [Web Exclusive]
Piccolo - The Proud Namekian (Reissue)
Super Saiyan Trunks - The Boy from the Future (Reissue)
>APRILMecha Frieza [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan Son Gohan - The Fighter Who Surpassed Goku
Bulma - Adventure Begins (Reissue)
Bulma's Motorcycle - Hoipoi Capsule 9 (Reissue)
>MAYSuper Saiyan God Son Goku - Saiyan God of Virtue
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Son Goku (Reissue)
Frieza Fourth Form (Reissue)
>JUNEVegeta - 24000 Power Level [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan Vegeta - Awakened Super Saiyan Blood (Reissue)
>JULYCui [Web Exclusive]
Son Goku - Saiyan Raised on Earth (Reissue)
Super Saiyan Son Goku - Full Power (Reissue)
>SEPTEMBERFull Power Frieza [Web Exclusive]
>PrototypesVegeta - Proud Prince
Roshi - Universe Survival Saga
King Cold
Pan - GT
Trunks - GT
Tamashii Nations Dragon Ball Series
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