>think about fixing the ball joint for Overcast's left arm>look at a forum with that question >"try putting super glue on the peg by whiping the peg carefully with a cloth and wait for it to dry before putting the arm back on">I have superglue>I also have a tissue box>get tissue, put a few drops of superglue on it>rub it around the joint>... waitaminute>the superglue dripped down on the lower part of tissue>lower part of tissue is touching the chest>fuckfUCKFU-As of now, I'm currently trying to soak the tissue paper fibre superglue stain with a cloth soaked in dish soap and warm water
>>8565916I honestly like the chins, but optimus' jutted outwards too much, and his lips made it funnier
>>8565922Perhaps the character designers were projecting their insecurity about being jawlets