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Lego Power Rangers and GI Joe
For GI Joe, Lego could skirt around the real-world military and weapons by giving everyone the laser rifles from the cartoon.
Steel Brigade Battle Pack ($14.99): 2x Male Steel Brigade, Female Steel Brigade. AWE Striker
COBRA Battle Pack ($14.99): 2x Cobra Trooper, Cobra Viper. COBRA Ferret
Polar Battle Bear ($9.99): Snow Job, Snow Serpent
COBRA Flight Pod ($19.99): Duke, Cobra Commander, Tele-Viper
VAMP ($24.99): Flint, Lady Jaye, Roadblock, Major Bludd
Water Moccasin ($29.99): Copperhead, Zartan, Shipwreck, Torpedo.
HISS Tank ($39.99): Scarlett, Snake Eyes, Baroness, Destro, HISS Driver
COBRA Rattler ($59.99): Wild Weasel, Cobra Paratrooper
Dragonfly ($49.99): Wild Bill, Airborne, Stalker
Or failing all of that:
COBRA Terrordrome ($249.99): Includes a Firebat, VAMP, and Sky Hawk. Serpentor, Cobra Commander, Baroness, Destro, Zartan, Storm Shadow, Major Bludd, Zarana, Firefly, Tele-Viper, 2x Cobra Viper, BAT, Duke, Scarlett, Snake Eyes, Flint, Lady Jaye, Roadblock, Stalker, Gung-Ho, Tunnel Rat, Low-Light.
For Power Rangers, I'd love a megazord set similar to Voltron. Figures include Jason, Kimberly, Billy, Zack, Trini, and Tommy (molded helmets with extra hair pieces), Rita and Goldar.