>>7252513I'm pretty sure cassette tape and CD walkmen-wannabes back then were less expensive than the hit Clips crap, but they were huge in comparison.
Portable MP3 players were giant bricks and you needed a computer to make them work. And they had way limited space. like 32MB for $200. jack shit
Part of the Hit Clips popularity was that they were small and didnt need to know about computers to make them work.
Holy fuck did people have problems with needing to know how to make computers work back then, despite the popularity of AOL and other tip offs of people who knew to computer.
And seriously, mp3 players back then were fucking expensive. Even the dedicated players were so shit and expensive i just set my laptop into my car and played stuff from there.
Thankfully, mp3 cd players became popular after all the lawsuits were cleared up. Fucking RIAA.