>>6843373One person said they wanted more SHF quality figures. That doesn't have to be taken as a sleight against Tomy. As nice as their US figures have been, there's undeniably a big quality gap between them and things that Figma or SHF put out, I'm not sure how you can defend the quality of Tomy stuff while passively attacking Bandai's SHF stuff. There's obviously far more shit flinging against the "import" figures, even just in the current thread and if they had actually sold well, we would probably be seeing a new one released every month or two, similar to how other popular SHF lines manage things and that's more or less on par with how Tomy handle their waves. Complaining about the wide gaps in releases doesn't make sense when there currently is no Pokemon line of import figures besides the Nendoroid/Figma stuff.
I'd personally be happy if we saw more import quality stuff for more of the main Pokemon, with Tomy/WCT filling in some of the gaps.
>also whats the point of having expansive , (arguably) high quality figures when they are not in scaleThe scale is probably closer than anything Tomy has put out, especially since they were never intended to be in scale with any trainer figures. WCT already doesn't seem to be any more accurate. Just having more bigger tier figures to go against the MonColle and look OK next to the SHF/Figma trainers is good enough for me. You're never going to get a 100% accurate line and you'd have to be seriously autistic to complain about the slight differences this much.