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I've finished assembling to the best of my ability the various bonks in my old ass bin
Issues? Many. Nothing I can't fix, but time consuming. Going to have to go through and catalogue each missing part and find replacements. Thank god most of the missing shit are Mata/Nuva parts. Not pictured here are a Mata Gali that has had her torso absolutely mauled by time and probably me being a stupid child, a Mata Pohatu that's missing a fuckin lot, and various other small things I can't put my finger on.
I'm just incredibly glad my Hagah are in (mostly) one piece(s)
As far as putting everything together goes
Bohrok>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Mata=Nuva>Rahkshi>Metru type>Rahaga>Hordika>>>>>>>>>inika=Piraka>>>>>>>>Mctoran
Literally who tier: the black dude in the middle