Just opened my Baron and something is amiss. First can anyone confirm that the gauntlet piece supposed to be black, while the upper arm and hand supposed to be metallic? It's not very clear in promo pic, but it is kind of jarring here. I wonder if they assembled the wrong part on him. Maybe the hand is also supposed to be black, or the gauntlet forearm supposed to be metallic?
Second thing I noticed is that he doesn't have any red eye painted on him, while in the promo pics like
http://www.shopfourhorsemen.com/mylebavo.html he definitely had some. Can someone with the exact figure confirm this?
Finally a minor nitpick the paint on the crotch tabbard is abysmal. It is gloppy, and the black is peeking through. It kinda looks like he had a purple dong coming out of his crotch tabbard. I wonder if I can get replacement piece for this.
Other than him the Templar legion builders, shadow orcs, and deluxe knights were all excellent.