>>8089229>>8089251>>8089265>>8089491I have never seen anyone talk about how fucking shit the environment of 2007 was. EVERY SINGLE piece of packaging or promotional art represented it as murky, black/navy blue nothingness. The three settings prior - Mata Nui, Metru Nui, Voya Nui - all had a great diversity of scenery, whether or not you liked them, you can't deny there was obvious distinction between different areas. The only place that stood out was the air bubble city and it was completely underutilised.
The worst part is that underwater has the potential to be cool as shit. Coral reefs, brine pools, seaweed jungles, hidden caves with air pockets, undersea volcanoes, whirlpools... could go on. But we got none of that.
Actually now that I think about it, Karda Nui (both sky and swamp) were also pretty generic and boring too. I guess 2007 started a trend of not giving a shit about fleshing out the environments anymore.