>>11235431I remember building a fat Roodaka (?) MOC around 2008 when I was around 12-13. I never actually owned Roodaka or any sets with Vahki heads, but I think it was inspired by Roodaka. I don't remember the head design though. Maybe it wasn't even a Roodaka MOC and I just slapped some random mask on it. But I used 3 Bohrok-Kal face shields as the belly (I don't remember how I managed to put them together to face a belly with my MOCing skills at the time but it probably looked like shit) and Nuva shoulders for the boobs. I also made sure to make the limbs chunky, so I used Vahki calves and Piraka limb armors with Metru thighs. It probably looked like some cursed Inika build with my messy custom shit added on top of it.