So anyone else working on anything, and do you have something going in the background while you build? About to start my first kit since attempting my hobby moratorium(not entirely successful since I kept a few orders technically). Kit's the regular MG GM Sniper II, gonna be a basic snap fit as I have no tools/supplies anymore; with an I hope okay war doc called "Five Men Came Back" playing during it(just noticed Burns' 'The War' was switched out by Netflix Canada...)
Curious how far along I've gotten when the show ends, after the bit away from this hobby hahaha!
>>6265097Sorry for prying, but any reason you haven't gotten one yet?
Been telling myself, I'm waiting for P-Bandai exclusives of either Uma Lightning's abomination of a MS-14B Gelgoog; or Johnny Ridden's High Mobility Type(though granted I know you get everything necessary in that 2.0 Gelgoog Cannon released sometime ago) before I go for the MG 2.0 again.
Yet just seeing your post make me feel a bit bad for the Gelgoog, that doesn't seem to get a lot of love these days... Damn you Gelgoog Guy, I think you might've just made me rationalize my budding backlog hahaha!