>>7300337>Mattel is the one that all of those places has to dal with if they dared to sell those figures in stores.LOL, NO. You're nothing but a dumbfuck who has no idea how licensing works.
If your claim is true, PROVE IT.
Here's how licensing works:
https://corporate.findlaw.com/contracts/operations/toy-license-agreement-lucas-licensing-ltd-and-hasbro-inc2.htmlHere's a screenshot that PLAINLY explains what a Master License entails and examples for how they work. If you don't want to read through the text: a Master License is simply just getting the rights to make many products.
If you care to read through the book: Licensing Myths & Mastery: Why Most Ideas Don’t Work And What To Do About It.
If you actually g o through Hasbro's Marvels licensing agreements, despite Hasbro being considered a MASTER LICENSE holder, you'll notice a bit that defines exactly what their license entails and shows a clear divide in what they can and can't do, including SUBLICENSING
https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/933730/000111667906001349/marvelagree.htmSo again, do you have ANY proof for the bullshit you're claiming? Because there's multiple licenses I've shown and a book about licensing that backs up what I've explained.