>This is the end. Build your own grave.But what if instead of dying i ride the highway to hell? so i made this chariot-hot rod, i saw the chariot part on a moc i saw and wanted to make it a hotrod, so here it is, it has 3 steps for the driver to take place and have a seat, i think you can BARELY fit 2 minifigs in there based on the fact that the one i saw had 2 ones seated, but not gonna bother with
stud.io shenanigans, anyways, it also has some HUEG exhaust and the both doors can open no problem even with the exhaust in there, i also added a trucker steering wheel to give it the steampunk feel to it, enjoy my monstruosity
>inb4 no real bricks in those colors hurri know, feelsbadman
>>7897738>thinly veiled shilling posti tried posting there the other day but the place is as dead as /ppbg/, sorry anon, what you need is a filthy mobile poster version of it so it attracts more anons