Well it’s the holiday season, and while I haven’t bought any of the naughty or nice collection, Robo put out a video today showing off the newest wave of stuff (
https://youtu.be/TNnbQbEVV40?feature=shared) and some of it is damn impressive, I think they go a little overboard with the reuse, but a few of their Santa’s, some elves, and some reindeer and you’ve got a hell of a Christmas display. They’re doing a new kickstarter type funding thing featuring a few new Santa’s, but more interesting, some kids, and a full Santa sleigh. So you could have the sleigh and all 8 reindeer.
https://www.freshmonkeyfiction.com/2024-naughty-or-nice-collectionDo any anons here own some of their past Santa’s and other offerings and can speak to their quality? Are you interested in any of this new stuff?