Welcome to /motu/ General -- the most powerful thread in the universe!
Previous Thread:
>>9738135Previews galore:
> wave 4 Masterverse slowly making its way along with Target Exclusive Netflix King Grayskull> Masterverse: Filmation-y Hordak, She-ra, & Catra, He-ro, Sun Man, Battle Armor King He-Man, concept Jitsu, Beast Man, CGI Skelly & He-Man, Classic style He-man> Exclusive re-mold Teela and Zoar> Origins Randor, Snout Spout, Leech, Grizzlor, Mantenna, 200X He-Man and Skelly, and Roton> Sun Man crew in Origins: Digitino, Pig Head, Space Sumo!> leaked blurry image of Kobra Khan> leaked image of Origins Whiplash> masterverse s2 evil-lynn, roboto, and stratosRecent News:
> CGI Man e Faces and Ram Ma'am seen at Walmart retail> Flying Fists He-Man and Terror Claws Skeletor out at Walmart> Origins Wave 8 shipping from Target> Mega Monstroid, Land Shark and Slime Pit Skeletor skull available from Amazon> MOTU sales are strong along with JW, hopefully Snake Men are in the horizon> Formo Toys and the late Mark Taylor LOP is now renamed as Legends of DragonoreArchive:
https://discord.gg/gawhFwRdypThread Question
What would you wish to see as an original playset? A filmation-y dystopian frightzone HQ? Etheros Castle? Modulok monster lab? Mer-Man's dragon fruit house under the sea? Trolla village?