Pretty productive weekend. Finished redrawing the camo, did a heavy filter, scratches and chipping and a wash.
Will work more the scratches and investigate what exactly are the anti-slip surfaces made off. I think it's rubber but I'm not sure and it's a surface that needs some chipping anyway as it's very exposed to the crew.
Anyway finally I'm at the point where the real work begins and first time playing with snow so it's gonna be fun
>>6805102It's been ages since I saw this one, glad to see you're still around
>>6805729Badger patriot 105 or iwata neo and a chink compresor. The "as 186" compressor is extremely common, either OEM or rebranded. I have a rebranded one without tank and works great but 95% of the people that has one gets one with a tank, you can niggerig a tank too as I plan to do someday but the price difference is too small not to get the tank one from the start really