GM Cannon looks soooo good. The colors are just fantastically vibrant (particularly love the blue of his visor lens), and that red stripe on the forearm is a detail that really does it for me. The knees, though single-jointed, work wonderfully; a spring-loaded panel on the back of the lower leg folds away as you bend the knee to allow for a great range of motion. The limited head articulation is a bit of a bummer, and while that's mainly a fault of the suit's design, I think Bandai could have at least let us fold the cannon onto the GM's back and out of the way.
Speaking of the cannon, I really love how they set it up so it looks like it's rotating on a gear when you move it up and down. Overall, while I think the Zaku Cannon is a cooler design, I'm very happy with the GM Cannon as an RD.
>>6688335Dang, Sirbine looks so sharp. That gold trim really pops.
>>6688866Great photos anon, love this line up shot. You've got me hyped for my GM Sniper; just shipped the other day alongside the Hi-Metal Regult 2-pack and the Ex-S.