>>7708278Plenty of Anons here just take what can be considered average to below average pictures but it doesn't matter--- they're not trying to be creative they're trying to have fun and snap a pic to capture it. That's really what this type pf thread is for, vs the Pro Photography threads. What I have a problem with is when people reject critique or think they're somehow above it.
Nobody's saying the above anons need to do studio quality work. Hell, MY stuff isn't on the level as some of the others in the various threads. I'm more of a cartoonist with my work, than a 'PROFESSIONAL ARTISTE!". They paint the Mona Lisa, I draw humorous greeting cards. That's my niche, and I'm really happy with it.
But even so, I take time to think things through, like layout, composition, colors, backgrounds, etc; I read the tips and pointers people give in these threads because I want to be the best at what I do, no matter how it compares to other styles, and given the tools I have on hand.. Same with critique. How else do I get better without people challenging me? I never stop learning, and I think anyone who resists learning and improving is doing themselves a disservice, because it does carry over into other aspects of life.
The anon is working with what he has. Which is fine. That's not an excuse to just dump bad work, ask for opinions on it, and don't expect to just get praise. If your stuff is shit because you don't even try to put it together decently, then that's what it is.You need to listen and put things to use.Valid critique is always valid no matter how it's presented. Getting angry over it shows one needs to develop a thicker skin, as well as open their mind to the fact that they're not as good as they think.