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Question for you guys. I just got the Boss Fight Blasted Lands Orc, he's a really fun figure and all but I noticed I was having a really hard time moving his leg. Took it apart and turns out the ball joint is all but fused with the socket where there should be room for movement, and from me previously trying to pose him the ball is on the verge of being stripped from the peg. Had this same exact issue with the Skeleton Warrior with his head/neck joint, but I opted with never rotating his head so it won't snap. Is there any salvaging either of these or am I fucked?
Also how good is Boss Fight with customer service? All I would really need is the Orcs crotch piece without any legs and the skeletons torso. I'm much more pressed about the red Orc though.
Again, the figures are really nice, but it kinda leaves a bit of an ill first impression for me, is this a common issue? I was looking to get both the silver and gunmetal knights next.