>>6156805>>6158905I dunno. For me, those legs remind me of Lillycat's. Even the toes look like Lillycat's. Enaibi has more definition.
>>6158518Her doll's kinda cute, I won't lie. It's the kind of doll I'd like. I understand the doll's not everyone's cup of tea, which is fine.
>>6159235Same. I'd be eager to see how the doll is in customers' hands. At least it's not another Coffee disaster. It looks like she's at least taking time to prime and sand.
>>6160116No, but it'll probably happen anyway. I need to get faceups for several heads I have, though.
>>6161295There used to be a Problem Transactions sticky on DoA and scammer alerts, but the site search engine is a wreck and it's no longer pinned.
bad_dolly_deals is still up on livejournal, but I'm sure most of those people are long gone from the hobby or switched aliases.