>>9295765Hot Wheels and Barbie are literally their only well known in house brands.
Mattel stays in business by being the only branded fashion doll option in the aisle. It's why decent quality clones have basically died off except for Sparkle Girls in the last 5 years as Mattel flooded the budget end of things. The fact MGA has forced Mattel to put any effort into doll lines that go against their current branding like. Color Reveal, Barbie Extras, Barbie Looks and Barbie Rewind speaks volumes about how complacent they've been.
Nuera's description doesn't even say if he ever addressed his shortcomings with Fashion Design. I know in the 90s, Barbie Designers had to go to fashion shows and speak with fashion designers in the industry and be on their level to have designed for Barbie. Carol Spencer often speaks about how she was still keeping her eye on trends well into her 50s and 60s, often going to fashion shows just to make sure she was on trend.
But Carlyle just continues to design dolls that are firmly dressing in mid 2010s fashion at best without understanding fundamentals of moving trends or how much fashion has shifted in the past 5 years. Barbie shouldn't be still wearing skinny jeans, high-low skirts, exposed shoulder shirts or mismatching neons anymore, let alone the oversized sack slogan tee dresses he's so keen to keep designing. The fact BMR1959 was entirely his brainchild that flopped so badly that wave 3 was cancelled and the rest are rotting away in outlet stores and Barbie extras are flopping so bad that the budget for their line has been slashed too.
Barbie Looks has been Mattel's best selling line in years and Carlyle had nothing to do with it, and the face designer he uses, Minh Tam, also confirmed she didn't do any of the face design for it either.
Mattel CAN make good dolls but Carlyle's shitty design sense is actively killing the brand.