Went and got those sets I initially passed on.
>>6599001>>6599458Keep an eye on them a bit longer for now? Mine has had some of the Movie and Nick(?) show TMNT sets for a bit now. At one point even the single packs of the classic cartoon Raphael and Michelangelo. Recently there there was some small CoD set, and singles(like the Halo Heroes packs?). Though that was barely two weeks and those are all gone here. Now with two types of Assassin's Creed mini-figs out this morning.
Even so keep checking a bit, and heck try asking. Had that moment where the cashier remembered me, and they asked if I just wanted to get the rest; if they had more of them in the back. So possible your shops are just about to get them, or a bit late maybe.
>>6599016Thanks for the input! Been looking at two the middleman noticed a while ago near his shop, for 1000 Yen each; just unusual to me to see a JP toy shop reduce the price on building block toys(even the Mega stuff) like this a bit.