>>6518392Yo, that is fucking killer. Would love to get that, even with all that stuff.
>>6518387>21/M/FL>been on /toy/ for maybe 3 or 4 years? Been collecting about the same>over 100, mostly 1/12 scale stuff, a few 1/6 scale. Also a healthy amount of model kits I need to get too. >Haven't found one yet, maybe 1000toys synth humans or 3A>Revoltech skeleton>Haven't found a grail yet, but I guess it would be this fashion figure that was made to promote a Japanese fashion photo shoot that was inspired by tokusatsu stuff. All I remember was the main hero wore beige and one of the monsters had this weird geometric shape head or something. Anyone knows what figure I'm talking about? Been trying to remember it, but it's long sold out from what I remember.