>>5467058Yeah,Season 1 Optimus Primal and Megatron have been Takara's Beast wars representatives for ages. Whenever they pay homage to the series, its always those two, almost never anyone else or any other incarnation(Transmetal, etc.) Only recently did we start seeing Rhinox, Rattrap, Waspinator, and more thanks to the Generations releases.
I'd go as far as to say anyone in this poster is fair game. All the S1 Maximals, minus Airrazor, and Megatron. Cheetor was hinted to be the next one on the website. Tigatron is included, but not Airrazor, likely because any MP Cheetor would be planned to be remolded as Tigatron. As far as Predacons, I think only Megatron is likely. We've barely gotten any post-84 Decepticons.