>>877118Imagine being so smooth brained you don't understand what she was saying. She is warning that the Holocaust was able to take place due to the fact that government and media propaganda caused the masses to believe that Jews were less than human and, thus, were more easily persecuted. It is the same as how the media is portraying anyone who *peacefully* protested (yes, I know there were those who didn't and fuck them) on the capital as domestic terrorists, and anyone who voted for Trump as a literal Nazi. However when BLM did the same thing it was 'Fiery but Mostly Peaceful Protests.' The tweet had nothing to do with social distancing and everything to do with how quick people are to hate you if you have a differing political stance and the downstream effect it can have.
It was a dumb career move due to the current social climate, but the fact that family members will disown you, friends and lovers will hate you, and you can get fired from your job for stating what you believe or disagreeing with an opinion should concern you. This is not because most of them believe in anything, it is because they exist in a Twitter, Twitch, and media vacuum where you have to accept everyone and everything (except for those who might hold traditional values) or get cancelled by these very same entities. Don't believe me? Do a little personal social experiment and tell people you prefer Trump to Biden and tell me how that works out for you.
Keeping it toy related, BBTS still has her figure in stock so get it before Hasbro decides she never existed and memory holes her harder than slave Leia.