And my entry so far for the zvezda groupbuild. The kit was surprisingly good and my first experience with the company. Except the wheels hubs which I think I fucked up the positioning, all went together nicely and fast. For the price impossible to beat and leaves dosh to sperg into aftermarket should you want to get autistic.
This has been sitting like this for a month as I wanted to add some extras but due current events I consider it done until I can easily get what I wanted to put on.
>>9679067I suggest, in general, to wash with soap and light scrub very gently things before priming to clean oils and debris and dust from handling, sanding, etc. What did you use for primer? also primer+pain+well done varnish would stop this from happening unless you get very rough. Still some brush work will fix these little chips anyway but look into your varnish and workflow
>>9679166cute plane, is this the yak trainer thing?
>>9679255bit rough work on the cage desu but nice work for working from pics