Ok guys, I humbly ask for your help. Thanks in advance and sorry for muh grammer.
I used to watch Kinnikuman Nisei (Ultimate Muscle) at FoxKids when I was a kid / teenager. I loved that show. But that was like 12 years ago.
I was browsing /toy/ and MyFigureCollection when I saw this collection of Kinnikuman.
https://myfigurecollection.net/browse.v4.php?keywords=kinnikuman+s.h+figuartsAesthetically speaking, I LOVED all figures. I imediately opened eBay, Amazon, various japanese sites to check prices, make budgets.
I especially enjoyed Soldier, Terryman and Akuma Shogun, but I plan to get 'em all. Truth is, my weeaboo friends said that Kinnikuman and Kinnikuman Nisei are shit. And as I said, Kinnikuman was never published in the West, and Ultimate Muscle I enjoyed when I was a kid.
I always want to get figures from lores / universes that I know and I enjoy. Like Dragon Ball Z, Berserk, Metal Gear Solid and MOTUC, among others. I might dislike Ultimate Muscle if I see with my current age, and Kinnikuman has a bad rating at MyAnimeList.
So I ask three things. I know this isn't /a/, but I believe that those who collects Kinnikuman also watched the anime or have read the mango:
a - Kinnikuman (and Ultimate Muscle) are shit or decent? I've read some reviews and it's full of gags and shananigans and a predictable plot.
b - in terms of figure quality, are they good? I've also read that they use a new body made by S.H Figuarts to action figures from fighting franchises, such as Kinnikuman and Street Fighter. Totally flexible and poseable.
c - will this line survive for the next few years? Any announcements made? Kinnikuman is from the 80s, and the figures are still being released every year. And when the sequel Ultimate Muscle will be released?
THANKS A LOT, and sorry for grammar mistakes. Help a poor anon to pick his next collection.