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So I loved the whole dead Strange from Multiverse and am going to tinker with the ML Defender Strange to turn him into the reanimated version. Not sure how best to go about adding the open wounds on his body with the exposed ribcage etc. A little dremelling and paint? I figured exacto knifing the bottom of his coat will be fine for tattering it up. In regards to paint I think I'm more concerned with painting all the finer details of such a small head. Since I've only painted two heads that size and the hardest of those was just the eyes. This has open cuts and half his mouth missing. On the bright side with him being basically a Lich that an imperfect paint job won't really hurt it. May even add to it.
The main thing I want to do though is make his souls of the damned cloak. Even if the ML line makes a Dead Strange figure the cloak would likely be one plastic chunk of fuck, or not there at all. I ordered a strand of Halloween six inch skeleton garland for pieces and I'm going to pick up some see through black fabric next time I out near the craft store. Anyone have pointers on how to properly go about it though? Like sure I can glue pieces together but how would I properly get them where I want first? Would epoxy sclupt be helpful and in what way? That sorta thing. Any ideas are appreciated.